Personal injury

We have extensive experience in WorkCover, transport accident, and other injury claims. When you engage us to help with your claim, you’ll have someone working for you that can work on all aspects of your claim from start to finish.

Most injury claims that we take on we do on a No Win, No Fee basis.


Whether it’s a small issue like an insurer won’t pay your physiotherapy treatment, through to a large compensation payment, we’ve helped countless people navigate and win in the Victorian WorkCover scheme.

We have run and won cases from the Magistrates’ Court all the through the Victorian Court of Appeal. We do your whole case – we’ll help you deal with the smaller issues that always come up in WorkCover claims, not just focus on your lump sum claim to the exclusion of everything else.


If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, or an incident involving the use or driving of a motor vehicle, we can advise you on your rights and help you get compensated for your injuries.

We have helped people get their TAC rate of weekly payments increased, get claims accepted that were initially rejected by the TAC, through to obtaining near a million dollars in compensation for injuries sustained in an accident.

Public liability

This area covers a broad range of circumstances from an injury at an unsafe event to commercial or residential property, services that were unsafe or slipping hazards. We’ll advise you on whether you have a claim, whether it’s a good idea to pursue it and how we can help you.


Many people aren’t aware that they have insurance cover through their superannuation. This can be for income protection, total and permanent disability or death. Claims for income protection or TPD can be made regardless of whether an injury or condition was caused at work or elsewhere.


(03) 5561 0046

Main Address

88 Liebig Street, Warrnambool VIC

Postal address

PO Box 327 Warrnambool, VIC

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