No win no fee
We offer a genuine ‘no win no fee’ policy in approved personal injury matters.
This means that you will not pay any upfront legal fees for your case and you wont be asked to take out a litigation loan or pay our disbursements if you are unsuccessful.
You will only pay legal fees if we win your case. Some other firms will charge you the disbursements (costs such as Court fees or medical report fees) they incurred if you aren’t successful.
Our policy is 100% free from hidden costs, percentage fees, or contingency fees. We only charge based on a scale of costs, as laid out by the government.
If you are qualified for the no win, no fee service, we’ll take you through your fee agreement step-by-step, and provide you with examples of how it works. When we win or settle your case, we aim to recover as many fees from the other side as possible, meaning minimal out-of-pocket expenses from you.
Initial consultation
We offer a free initial consultation in WorkCover and TAC matters to allow you to receive some preliminary advice, and to assist you in deciding whether you need a lawyer to act on your behalf.